Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Competition Jitters
I don't consider myself competitive, I tend to yield to others (unless it's a merge lane..."you knew you had to turn right, don't try to race up and cut in front of me!"). But, I feel like we have to win. We had the best entry video; put on a show at the Weigh-In (sporting I "heart" beer/pizza shirts until we revealed our GTO KO tees on-stage); drew the award winning gym/trainer; and have the Working Well's Inspiration Award Winner on our team.
Will we live up to our hubris?
Will we be proof that Boot Camps To Go kicks a$$?
We've been busting our butts, and our individual accomplishments are noticeable. But, have we worked harder than the other teams? I have no idea how the other teams are doing; their blogs are not quite as detailed/frequent as ours. Hopefully their blog enthusiasm reflects their workout/diet regimen.
Although the true goal of the WellQuest Challenge is to get us to develop healthier lifestyles, I want to see the GTO KO's bring home the Gold!
We've only got a couple of weeks left...we can do this...we will win...right?
Monday, March 29, 2010
Hi, My Name is Katy, and I am addicted...
I can’t get enough! I am researching races, constantly looking for my next fix. Can I make a 15k run in North Carolina? Surely I can drive 14 hours just to run, right? It’s all normal behavior….right? I am certain that I even kick my legs in my sleep (yes, just like a dog). A 5k? Child’s play. I’ll have to run it twice just to keep the withdrawals at bay (FYI- running withdrawals may include nightsweats, unexplained shaking of the limbs, the intense desire to run circles in one’s apartment, that sort of thing).
Here I am, furtively buying new, expensive running shoes, trying to get more and more out of each experience. I just can’t help it anymore. And I cannot be stopped! Lord knows what I will do next weekend; there is no race, no fix for this running junkie. I may just run off into the sunset.
So, dear blog followers, if you see a brunette running off into the sunset in a pair of bright fuchsia Vibram 5 Finger shoes, please have a moment in silence, knowing I have succumbed to my addiction.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Criminal Behavior
Sooo, I left last night's inspirational "time to tighten up" meeting ready to step up and take the remainder of this Challenge to the next level.
This morning, I slipped and fell face-first into a plate of illegal quiche. It was the most incredible meal I've had since beginning this diet...and it certainly is not included on the food list Laurel provided at the meeting.
Forgive me GTO KO's, for I have committed a crime. While Katy was running the 10K at Springtime, I was savoring every bite of a spinach-artichoke-mushroom-goat cheese-and-other-unholy-ingredients Slice of Heaven.
I met my mother at Craig's Killer Coffee for breakfast. While I knew this could be a potential set-back—and planned to eat my Grape-Nuts with low fat milk before meeting her—I hit the snooze bar too many times and left the house with an empty stomach. (Entered into Evidence as "Excuse #1).
Mom is visiting from out of town (Excuse #2). There was no fruit option (Excuse #3). It was a healthier choice than the Triple-Chocolate-Muffin (Excuse #4). I drank black coffee instead of the myriad of decadent Killer Coffee choices (Excuse #5).
While the jury acknowledges those excuses hold's literal, as in calories and fat.
The inner Judge denied my plea. I've become too educated about diet and exercise during this Challenge to justify a meal that possibly exceeded my caloric/fat intake for the entire day. However, I did notice a difference in how I handle personal failure, which has always followed a mantra of "you've already screwed up today, might as well fall off the wagon and start again tomorrow." So I partially served my sentence by: taking my dog on a long walk; doing push ups, sit ups, lunges, and dumbbells; eating an apple when finally hungry again (that piece of quiche lasted me 7 hours); taking a 45 minute high-intensity walk.
Did the punishment fit the crime? Only if I scale back on my calories/fat intake and increase my exercise for the next few days to burn off that quiche. Otherwise, my Offense will only manifest itself on my hips and thighs (and scale).
A public apology to my KO's: I'm sorry I screwed up. I will resist temptation for the remainder of our Challenge. I will do my best to ensure that we are the Winning Team!
But, allow me to praise Craig's Killer Coffee for being an awesome Accessory to the Crime. Their quiche/pizza/baked goods are AMAZING, and they have the BEST coffee in town. They're located inside Video 21 on Lafayette St. (across the Parkway from Governor's Square Mall). If you succumb to criminal behavior, you'll at least be supporting a local business.
Friday, March 26, 2010
The body is a wonder!
My concerns are legitimate and it has been a struggle to make this body adapt to ME! I look forward to being flexible and fit right into its constant demands for ICY HOT, PAIN RELIEVERS, MOTRIN and CELEBREX!
If this is a test of my inner strength, then I probably need to add stress relievers to the list above! I often wonder if anyone else in the world wakes up to taking 8 pills a day, a few pills during the day and goes to sleep taking a shot! My common sense tells me we would be in big trouble if we took all the pharmacies out of the equation! Not to mention HEALTH INSURANCE! I will let that battle die for NOW!
I am here to remind myself and my team this is not a failure or lost cause and we cannot or will not set ourselves up for more stress! Right now my behavior requires enormous amounts of emotional labor! However on a positive note I am grateful and feel more educated about the science of the body!
I love having Laurel as my instructor! She allows me to take whatever time I feel I need when exercising, therefore I feel I can't disappoint her and lag behind! My doctor had said "don't let the trainers push you too much!" I assured her that Laurel is not that type of trainer and has even suggested I take time off! Hold on! Wait a minute! I think Laurel was using the oldest trick in the know... Reverse Psychology! She seems to understand the roles of my crazy mental functions! Now I want to work harder than before! You are too slick Laurel and you have stabilized the situation! For that...I love you dearly!
At the end of the day I can honestly say...GIRL YOU ROCK! YOUR TEAM ROCKS! YOU GAVE IT 110%! YOUR TEAM GAVE IT 110%!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Facefull of Awesome (Not)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Flattery
No longer a newbie, I know what Boot Camps To Go is all about: an intense, no frills, cardio and strength-training program that will push you past your pre-conceived notions of what your body can do.
I suppose it's natural—when becoming a member a certain "tribe" (gym, workplace, club, church, political party, etc.)—to find oneself more aware of entities that compete with/oppose your chosen tribe. So, I found myself slightly irked when a client mentioned his daughter was taking "boot camp" at a local dance/fitness facility. I Googled it and had to chuckle...a Pole-fitness studio offering "Booty Camp"? Uh, OK, is that where pirates send their offspring for summer break?
Then today, flipping through an Ad/Max, I came upon an ad from a local karate studio offering Boot Camp in their "indoor climate-controlled training facility." Honestly, air-conditioned boot camp? Shouldn't that be an oxymoron?
Now, I'm not discrediting these businesses. If anything, it shows that they've seen the success of Boot Camps To Go and want to latch on. However, these facilities specialize in other forms of training and are offering "Boot Camp" as an aside. It's like ordering steak at a sushi bar.
Not having the experience of other "boot camps," I can't offer an honest comparison. But, what I can tell you without a doubt is that:
1) Boot Camps To Go is the ORIGINAL (since 2005) "Boot Camp" training workout in Tallahassee.
2) They have the results to back them up: check out
3) Laurel and Mike pay attention to your individual physical restrictions and will modify workouts to meet your needs.
4) It's the one place where you can push yourself to ugly—grunting, sighing, cursing, and sweating—and not feel embarrassed....because everyone else is, too.
5) BCTG have the Awards to prove it: Best Overall Fitness Program in Tallahassee, 2008, 2009, and 2010; People's Choice for Tallahassee's Best in the "Fitness" 2007.
And I'm not putting this out there because BCTG signed on to the WellQuest Challenge. It's just that when I see these other "boot camp" ads, I feel like I got the Rolex, and they're pushing the flea-market knock-off.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dear Diary
I can't yield to the seductive pull of self-pity, at least for any extended period of time. Acting like a victim only threatens my future! Am I better off to appear resilient and remain productive?
I will stand proud, pick up the pieces and start putting my journey to health back on track! I am better off to stay focused on what could be lost here and the sacrifices that I need to make rather than my own feelings and pain! To survive in this body I need to accept change! I need to prosper in one of the wealthiest things my body has going on....that is my health!
Rather than banging my head against the wall of hard reality and bruising my spirit, I need to invest my energy and make some quick adjustments! My own decisions are going to determine my success and my own stress level! So from now self pity! No excuses!
Diary I thank you for listening and God I'm asking YOU to make me strong in order to make your temple the best it can be! AMEN! My team mates I am asking you for your support in these hard times! In turn I will be more supportive! I love you all!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Down in the Valley
I was thrilled when my scale notified me for three days in a row that I had lost 8 lbs. Woo hoo! Almost at my 10 lb. goal! I was about to reach for those pants I wore 2 years ago...
until today, when that nasty little weight-indicating device flashed digits which proclaimed only a 5 lb. loss. I was so angry I nearly chunked an apple (my afternoon snack) at the damn thing. While I know I'm not supposed to become slave to the scale, I wondered how and why those 3 lbs. disappeared and then reappeared. Does karma or negative thoughts about Daylight Saving Time bear weight? That's gotta be it, because that (big splurge) fat-free feta I added to my salad was simply air that looked like cheese.
Patience is obviously not one of my virtues. (Do I even have virtues? Will virtues burn calories? I digress.) As my career involves marketing, I know all about "instant results" advertising and always read the fine print (Not typical results. This celebrity lost 30 lbs because she has a live-in personal trainer who makes her work out 10-times-a-day and her personal chef only feeds her dry dog food and water. Do not try this at home.) So, while I know that change is gradual —these 10 lbs made a home for themselves over 2 years— my mind actually expected a miracle after 5 weeks. Geez, I'm snacking on freaking fruits and veggies in lieu of Emerald Sea Salt & Cracked Pepper Cashews and cheese-laden Triscuits. I've shunned mayo and sour cream. I spend 4 nights a week in Boot Camp training and walk/sprint 30 minutes a day.
Where are my Jennifer Aniston arms? Where are my Victoria's Secret thighs?
Yeah, I'm healthier and more toned than I was a month ago, but we're in a competition; if I'm not seeing drastic results, then how does this affect my team's chances of winning? I don't want to be the one who keeps our team and trainers from getting First Place.
Where is my Inner Cheerleader when I need her? Methinks that little (ahem) *witch* took off with the football team for a kegger. I have alerted a search party to bring her back alive, because I really need her right now. At this point, I could easily slip into agoraphobia and simply photoshop thinner versions of myself in family photos. Yeah, I could just become a skinny little avatar.
But, I gotta get up that hill. I just hope that my cheerleader was kind enough to put a roped-off landing there to keep me from falling off.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Observations on Kettlebell Training
For whom the (kettle) Bell tolls:
- Don't be deceived by their cute, round, Mickey Mouse-like appearance. It's a cannonball with a handle.
- The words: "Snap," "Jerk," and "Clean" take on entirely new meanings. And "Get Ups" do not refer to your clever outfit.
- If you can lunge with a kettlebell and talk at the same time, Laurel is going to give you a heavier one.
- Bruising will not garner sympathy.
- One can't appear "lady-like" while swinging a kettlebell.
- Just when you thought you'd never use Lamaze breathing techniques again (or ever)...
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Yesterday's Boot Camp was extremely difficult. There were many times when I felt I couldn't finish. My legs were giving out on me and my mind kept thinking "I'm so tired, everything hurts, I have to stop." After the 8th rep of arm swings, squats, push ups and lunges I had to run up the hill and back. My quads and calves had decided they weren't moving and my brain strongly agreed. I was about to quit but then...I saw Katy's smiling face running towards me. She gave me a high five as she passed and told me how proud of me she was for running. She was proud of me? Was she serious? I'm the one who can't even run a half mile without dying a painful death!
Each and every time I was ready to give up on myself, I saw Katy pushing me and motivating me to complete what we had started. I honestly think if she hadn't been there I would not have finished. She used kind words of encouragement to make me feel good about myself and more confident in my ability to complete our exercises...and it worked! She used harsh military like(Coach Mike)commands to motivate Elise. "What are you doing" and "get moving" were the words of encouragement Elise heard from Katy. Regardless of what it was she said, all of us worked harder because of it.
Katy is not the weakest link! She is an inspiration and a motivator. She is part of our team and I could not do it without her. Thank you Katy for keeping me going and making me want to be a better, more fit me. With your Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde encouragement, you know what to say to get each of us to finish.
Today I went back for seconds(and I don't mean lunch or dinner.) We knew that today's workout would be the same as yesterday and yet I went back for more. I pushed and pushed thinking how I had to make Katy proud. I imagined her smiling face telling me to go on and I did.
We are a team and each member plays an very important role. Today I am especially grateful to have Katy as my teammate. We miss you and know that you will be back soon to make us run even when we dont want to!
Well Quest! What an Educational Experience!
Since we know that healthy food costs more I've done some research on how to save some foods rather than throwing them out. I would like to think that's because of portion control, but its most likely due to lack of interest in good healthy foods! During this competition I have had the best intentions when going grocery shopping, but as we know the smallest deed outweighs the grandest intention! Anywayz try placing paper towels in your crisper drawer of your fridge to absorb the moisture and keep veggies and fruits crisp! In addition if celery or carrots go limp (sounds like a personal problem) then put them in ice water with a slice of potato!
When it comes to exercising I have a bad knee and in order to prevent pain this automatic defensive mechanism kicks in and I adjust my exercises accordingly! Well Tuesday when i did the adjustment my hip and groin area started hurting. I then went to my favorite site for old folks like me (don't laugh) and found a great article on Keeping your knees healthy! One of the ways is to strengthen your thighs! I will need your help with that Laurel! Go to site:
There is also a recipe archive, information on how to shop and what to look for, tips and info for subjects like diabetes, heart and even your sex drive!!! OH BOY! I will have to wait on that one until I feel comfortable enough and smile when I look in the mirror! Oh sure I can smile at my face but if my eyes roam any lower that smile is a frown turned upside down! On a positive note...I know this too shall pass and one day I WILL be comfortable again with my body!
Another tool that has been essential in this program (which I will continue to use) is
My doctor suggested this site for tracking my calories, weight, fitness, etc. You can download it to your phone, get tips, recipes, reports for your daily food and what you need to eat more of or less of, etc. Sites like these with online calculators are a life saver! What I do is enter my own foods that way I know the calories per container or weight will be correct, instead of trusting what someone else had entered, and simply add it to my favorites.
Now the Internet and books are great resources and very educational for living a healthy lifestyle, but one thing that I cant learn from any other source but pure strong heartfelt desire is PORTION CONTROL! Oh sure I can lie to myself, and say "I am going to eat extra food but its healthy so no harm no foul!" NOPE! WON'T WORK! NOT if I'm trying to get the scale to go down faster! Even though its within the calories one thing I've learned about me and my lifetime of bad habits is every time I eat doesn't mean i have to feel FULL! I want to push myself away from the table when I have eaten my portion, even if I'm not full! Then I can wait and eat a snack later. I have the three meals down its getting to 5 then 6 a day which is what my doctor recommends! Well people that's my current struggle and on a positive note I WILL GET THERE AND HAVE THE HEALTHY BODY I DESIRE!
Till next time!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday Workout!
I did go to the gym on Saturday but its not the same with machines as it is at Boot Camps to go! It's more strenuous and I feel my body hurt less at the gym than when I work out at BCTG! So keep up the good work Laurel and Mike...cant wait to see you today!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Pep (?) Talk
We're entering Month 2 of our 90-Day WellQuest Challenge, and I see it as kind of a Hump Day. We're smack dab in the middle; the "newness" of Month 1 has worn off, and we don't have the "FInish Line" of Month 3 looming in the horizon. Therefore, we need to work extra hard at encouraging each other to stick to our commitment.
As we've all witnessed changes in our bodies (looking & feeling better), it's easy to think we can slack off a bit. The little devil on our kettlebell-bruised shoulder might be whispering, "It's OK to skip one workout, look how much you've already accomplished." Or, "It's your Dad's birthday, you deserve that piece of cake."
Our families may be a bit tired of our disruptive training schedule or accommodating our new diets. I know that reading ingredients (yawn) and measuring food portions has become really tedious. And I'm not as excited about Fridays knowing the day isn't over until after Boot Camp.
But, do we really want to look Laurel and Mike in the eye when we're applauding the contest winners instead of standing on that stage?
Gee, for a pep talk, I'm certainly lacking in the exclamation points. (Sorry, I never made the cheerleading squad). So, here we go:
- Give me a "G," give me a "T," give me an "O," give me a "K," give me an "O"! Go GTO KOs!!!!
- Sundresses, Bathing Suits, and tank tops, oh my!!
- and Ricky Bobby's motto: "If you're not first, you're last."
Go Team!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Oh! Nay Nay!
- Since February, I've hired a trainer. I've had many since then. Some quit...some turn to drugs and alcohol.
- The trainer says to me, "You know, you're tired now. You're a little sore from working out. But, once you start you get addicted." I don't think so. I think I can quit this gym stuff any time I want. I got a lot of willpower. You're never going to find me in the exercise wing of Betty Ford...I can't stop.
- Then he says to me, "Give me a sit-up." I said, Oh, nay nay. I don't do ups. Ups defy gravity. Gravity is a law. I obey the law.
- When you go off the no-carb diet, you lose your mind. I went off a no-carb diet; a girl scout came to the door. She had cookies. I said, "Oooh, I think you're going to win the trip to Washington this year."
- The nutritionist asked, "Are you a vegetarian?" Well, not in the strictest sense. I don't eat veal, but he grows up.
- One nutritionist said to me, "The good news is, you can have all the salad you want." Whew, that is good news. I was nervous. I came in here thinking, please God, anything, but don't take away my salad. I can have all the mixed greens I want? Stop I'm getting excited. She wanted me to have salad as the food. No. Salad's not food...salad comes with the food. Salad is a promissory note that food will soon arrive. If my brain sees a salad it says, "Something good is going to happen soon, wait right here."
Check out John Pinnette at
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
When I saw Laurel showing Elise and Katy how to drag the towel while holding their body up on their first thought was "OK Laurel is not making this look too easy...I know my girls are going to be hurting!!!" Then she came over to me with a ball that was flat on one side. She flips the ball over and I held myself up with my forearms on the flat side while turning the ball in circular motions!!! MAN! I was sweating like a pig!!! Then she says turn it SLOWLY! OMG! I thought I would never finish 2 and had to do 5 per rep!
Then to add insult to injury during our time of torture she is actually clicking pictures and taking videos in order to post them right here on our BLOG!!! As if this whole process has not been humiliating enough! Now the whole world gets to see us at our worst! All I could hear was grunting from myself, Elise and Katy!
I think out of all the days yesterday was one of the most fierce and rough days! I believe it was the combination of exercises!
Speaking of the Beatles "Its been a hard days night and I've been working like a dog! Its been a hard days night...I should be sleeping like a log!!!" I found myself having muscle spasms in the middle of the night! I did what any normal person would up...started walking and cursing Laurel under my breath!
We got our body fat percentage taken yesterday by Laurel! Who ever invented that pinching tool! I thought we were in the horror movie SAW V - CUT OFF THE FAT IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!!!! However I am anxious to see the results! Johanna has that to look forward to when she returns! Vegas is a scary place! They want your gambling money so FOOD is CHEAP! All you can eat buffets for $4.95!!! What happens in Vegas...I got faith in you though JO!
Lucky us because tonight we get Mike! Maybe if I click my heels three times I can be at home like the Beatles "Back in the U.S.S.R. "
Until next time my peeps!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
White Men Can't Jump (and Neither Can Elise)
and wardrobe malfunctions.
Yeah, yesterday, Hope forgot her sneakers. When I saw her walk in in her gym clothes and work shoes, I burst into laughter (or as I now call it, "abs warm-up"). Oh, but karma came back with the quickness. Just minutes later, I was forced to run around the parking lot strapped to some horrific metal contraption that's weighted down. They call it The Sled (as in a dog sled...but YOU are the dog). The sight of me awkwardly maneuvering the beast, red faced and panting, was disturbing enough. To add insult to injury, I happened to be wearing a pair of sweat pants whose drawstring is in a permanent knot and cannot be adjusted. So, each time I moved forward my pants slipped down, exposing the top of my thong for all to see. And no, I didn't have the foresight to wear cute undergarments. I would have traded places with Janet Jackson at the Superbowl in a heartbeat.
This may be Boot Camp, but while one might imagine themselves as a soldier on a mission, there is no way I can attempt to look brave or stoic while pulling myself across the floor by my forearms, dragging a towel with my feet. Nor would I pass as the Bride in Kill Bill (in the hospital scene where she can't use her legs). At best: an injured caterpillar groping her way to safety.
As for jumping...apparently I couldn't jump to my death and land on two feet. One of our circuit exercises tonight was 15 reps of jump-ups onto a set of mats about 16 inches high. Laurel kept telling me to land on both feet and Katy encouraged me to lift my knees, but all I could manage was some sort of "Extreme Square Dance" with the mats. The harder I tried (with little mini-jumps on the floor) the more comedic it became, as it threw Katy completely off our reps. (Picture a drunken, jumping, polka see-saw.) It took 5 rounds of the circuit before I could actually hit the mats with both feet (and at that point I'm sure Katy was ready to jump off my body instead of the mats).
However, I should add that BCTG allows you to make a complete ass of yourself without feeling like one. Unlike other gyms where you can mind yourself with mirrors and check out what everyone else is doing, the BCTG routine keeps you focused on yourself. Not only is everyone pushing themselves, you simply don't have a moment to gaze around and compare yourself to others. You're not there to "work out pretty," and you won't be intimidated by the clients...just the trainers.
Speaking of which...BCTG's owner (and our trainer) Laurel Blackburn was selected as Tallahassee's 25 Women You Need To Know 2010 and an article featuring her can be seen here:
And to my KO's:
- Katy, you are NOT the weakest link! I appreciate your energy and encouragement. It's hard to keep up with a 20-something, and I love how you push me.
- Hope: You inspire me by putting 100% into this challenge in spite of bad knee, illness, etc. You help me keep the negative wimpy thoughts away.
- Jo: We miss you and know how impossible it is to keep up with the fitness quest while on the road. Just do what you can...the GTO KO's and BCTG will be here for you when you return. If you can't exercise in Vegas, at least do some decent shopping! :)
Can I Blame My Lack of Posting on My Dedication to Exercise??
Ok, so it’s been ages since I’ve actually sat down to post. I will apologize to our thousands of loyal fan readers who I know wait with baited breath for each new post.
I wanted to do a theme for this blog, as that seems to be our trend. However, as I have just turned 24 and am now an old woman, my brain gets scattered and I know I will end up just rambling. So, here are some random thoughts from the past few weeks:
I have to admit I’ve been starting to feel discouraged and unmotivated- it’s hard when everyone is telling you that they don’t know why you’re even in this competition, you don’t need to lose any weight, etc.
However, I recently did a 6k “fun run” (oxymoron if there ever was one), and placed 3rd for the women! It was such a feeling of accomplishment, especially since it had been ages since I’d really run and pushed myself. My legs are just so much stronger than they’ve been, and I know it’s because of all our kettlebell training and boot camps! And it was just the energizing thing I needed. It felt good to see a measurable difference and to really say, THIS is at least part of why I am doing this competition!
My GTO KO ladies also came through for me, fitness-wise. For my birthday (did I mention I am now an old woman yet?) I got training gloves, magazines on women’s running and fitness, as well as a bunch of cooking supplies and cookbooks for HEALTHY eating! With Elise’s total aversion to running, I know how hard it must have been to be seen buying *gasp* running magazines! I guess I’ll just have to start making dinners (no carrots, I promise) for her to take home as a “thank you!” On top of that, I also got running clothes from another special someone. And it felt great, knowing that I do have the support to keep this competition going, to prove to everyone that there is a contribution I can make to this team.
I won’t let you down ladies! I know I am the “weak link” for our success, and I will work my rear end off (oh that would be so nice!) to make sure I am the strongest link I can possibly be!
Monday, March 1, 2010
A Play on Words
The disambiguation of joker is to grab YOUR kettle bell and do overhead arm lifts! How man jokers (and hearts) did they have in that deck? And when did the Kettle Bell become OUR possession? Your is our without the Y!
Then there are words that cause that proverbial cringe! Now the next set I want you to HOLD IT....HOLD IT! Push ups and suicides! Did I forget to mention up a hill?
Whispered words! You can hear loudly those whispered words of CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM!!! I know you've heard your parents say Good Whispers and Evil Shouts! Is that why you cry out when exercising? Its just down right evil!
Concerned Words!! The scale is not your friend! Are you ok? We want you to be able to walk afterwards! No pain No gain! Lets redefine pain and gain! Panic Attack Inside Nerves! Gee Am I Nuts????
Loving words! Massage...inspiration....Ice pack! I love your determination! Don't worry you will be able to get up and down faster!
Hunger words! Buffet...Fat! But I don't want to pick up a heavier Kettle Bell! I want freakin FOOD!
And you thought BCTG stood for Boot Camps To Go! More like Brutal Camps to go! Thanks Laurel and Mike! You two rock!!!!